20 Jun Southern Utah Art Guild – Recyclable Trash Art Show
September 7 – September 19, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
220 N 200 E, St. George, UT
Hosted by: Arrowhead Gallery ETC
The Trash Art Show is back on! This means you and your family can make a real difference in your community by going around and picking up trash that can be recycled into an art project. So while your out hiking, walking, bike riding and enjoying the weather, pick up some trash and make a piece of art out of the recycled garbage you found.
Southern Utah Art Guild, Arrowhead Gallery, and Red Cliff Galleries are participating in a sponsored art project (Ron Woodbury Consulting, Inc. is our sponsor for this project) to help clean up the area and maybe even win a prize.
September 7th, 2020 – September 19th, 2020
You can help clean up your neighborhood and local parks by collecting recyclable debris around town. Show pride in your community by challenging your friends and family to clean up the community and create a piece of art out of the recyclable items you gathered. You can enter your artwork into a judged art show. Winners will receive prizes in various categories.
Southern Utah Art Guild (SUAG)
SPONSORED BY: NAME EMAIL CELL PHONE 1.Title3.Title Size Size Price Price 2.Title Size Price
Dates/Time: September 7th – September 19th, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Reception and Awards: September 12th, 2020 from 4 – 6 PM Deadline for registration: September 5th, 2020. Registrations to be emailed to paisleyfrogllc@aol.com. Entry fees can be paid at Arrowhead Gallery, 68 E Tabernacle, St George, UT or at time of art delivery on September 5th, 2020
Deliver art to: September 5th, 2020 Red Cliff Gallery St George, UT. 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.Pick up art: September 19th, 2020 Red Cliff Gallery, St George, UT. 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ONE ENTRY FORM PER ARTIST/GROUP. $15.00 for 1 – 3 Entries
•SUAG requires a 20% commission on all artwork sold at the show.
•All artwork must be original and from the recyclable debris collected during the past two months from neighborhoods, parks, hiking trails, etc. At least 90% of the art piece needs to be the recyclable debris collected.
•The SUAG Show Committee reserves the right to deny entry based upon the quality of framing, non-application to debris % content, and/or appropriateness for family viewing.
•Participation in the show gives permission for SUAG to use an image of artwork for advertising purposes.
•All art must be available for sale. Buyer can use cash, check or credit card. The painting should remain on exhibit for the duration of the exhibit, with the exception of sold pieces.
•Name, address, title and price of painting must be mounted on the back of the artwork.
•All artwork must adhere to the SUAG requirements for hanging and/or free-standing 3D items.
Release of Liability Statement: Security or insurance is not provided by SUAG. I agree that I will be fully responsible for all damage or loss to my artwork on display during the show. I will not hold SUAG, or any person associated with the community cleanup or art show responsible for any loss or damage to myself or artwork.
Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ___________________
SPONSORED BY: Ron Woodbury Consulting Inc.,
The challenge is to gather friends, neighbors, cousins, families and go out into our community, parks, hiking trails and clean up the debris. Have fun with this and let’s show our neighbors and especially the visitors to this beautiful area that we are proud and care about the earth. When you start looking, you will be shocked by the amount of garbage and debris that is left by people. It is suggested that you carry two bags with you, one bag will be used for items that are recyclable and can be used in your art project, the other bag for items that are non-bio-degradable, hazardous, chemicals, or other materials that would/could cause health issues. We strongly suggest using gloves during your collection. Be creative in your art pieces, don’t just paste the “stuff” on a canvas/board and call it “trash art.” We want to see something we can recognize, something creative and fun.
•Art show is to run from September 7th – September 19th, 2020. Location Red Cliff Gallery, St George UT•Drop off art day is September 5th, 2020 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at Red Cliff Gallery•Pick up unsold art on September 19th, 2020f from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm SUAG WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ART THAT HAS NOT BEEN PICKED UP BY 12:00 PM•ART RECEPTION AND AWARD DISTRIBUTION at Red Cliff Gallery September 12th, 2020 from 4-6 PM GENERAL INFORMATION
1.Art Show is open to anyone over the age of 16.
2.All work must be for sale during the exhibit.
3. Entries are expected to hang for the duration of the show unless there is a sale then the art piece can be removed by the buyer after payment is made in full. Paintings are purchased through the Arrowhead Gallery and must have a receipt showing payment in full prior to the removal of any art piece. Signage will be displayed advising attendees where they can purchase art pieces.
4.SUAG requires that all art utilizes only RECYCLABLE/CLEANED material for art pieces. No bio-degradable, hazardous, chemicals, or other materials that would/could cause health issues. Other materials may be used to create the art piece (ie: paints, mediums, glues, Charcoal, varnish, inks, pastels, wires, etc) but at
least 90% of the art piece must be from recyclable debris collected by the individual during a cleanup of the neighborhood, community, parks, hiking trails, etc..
5.All hanging artwork must be framed and or secured on board/canvas with WIRE HANGERS. Art will not be hung if it does not have a wire hanger. No saw tooth hangers. See picture below. For 3 D art, it must securely stand on it’s own or be placed on a stand that can be securely placed on a pedestal for display.
6. Entries must be original and at least 90% from recycled debris picked up around the neighborhood, parks, hiking trails, etc.
7.SUAG hanging Committee takes great care in handling all art pieces but does not accept liability for any loss or damage.
8.SUAG retains the right to refuse any piece of art if the subject is deemed inappropriate or does not meet the framing or other requirements.
9.All work exhibited will be for sale with a 20% commission taken from the sale for SUAG to cover expenses.
10.All artwork is required to have labels on the back with the artist’s name, phone number, title of the piece and the price.
11. Prizes will be awarded with cash prizes and ribbons dependent on the number of entries. All entry fees will go toward the prizes awarded and will be determined after all entries have been submitted. Awards to be given include:
a.One First Place, One Second Place, One Third Placed, One Best of Showe, Two Sponsors Awards – The Sponsor’s for this show are Ron Woodbury Consulting, Inc.
Make sure you thank him, f.One Mayor’s Award.Honorable Mentions (number dependent on the judge’s decision)
12. There is no limitation on size (but it must be manageable for the hangers/handlers) and you can submit up to 3 pieces. There will be a flat fee of $15.00 for one to three pieces of art entered.