06 Jun Evening of Magnum Opus- Rebekah Osmond/Brodie Perry
Arte Art Gallery, 415 S. Dixie Dr St George, UT 84770 6-8pm
Benefit for the Difiore Center of the arts and education. In support for the visual and preforming arts of the St. George area. There will be a live performance from Rebekah Osmond and Brodie Perry with a pianist and violinist. Along with 8 visual artist all local presenting their magnum opus piece from sculptures to painters. With a short live auction, auctioning off a piece from Roland Lee and Lynnette Loughton! Served with refreshments and a social gathering. Tickets $75. Purchase them here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/evening-of-magnum-opus-tickets-45899268949