01 Mar Photography Symposium with Jack Graham and Bill Fortney
May 17, 2019 6pm – May 19 – 12 PM
Arrowhead Gallery ETC
68 E Tabernacle Street, St George Utah 84770
Jack Graham and Bill Fortney are two of America’s top professional photographers. A combine 65+ years of experience as workshop leaders, stock and fine art photographers and speakers have earned them both singularly and together a reputation as world class photographers and teachers.
Having conducted workshops together for many years, Jack and Bill have refined their individual and combined presentations to be instructive and motivational.
Friday evening registration, welcome and first presentation from Jack & Bill.
Ticket Information: https://suagevents.eventsmart.com/events/photographysymposium/?fbclid=IwAR2Kpq2d-kx8uuIXDo4BmeP3GXDazO5SX9mS4QHLNtRB_V4_GBCH1jaEZOM
Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/2088400844551812/